Evaluating borrowers' creditworthiness is crucial for informed lending decisions. The Adjutor platform offers a reliable and efficient way to validate creditworthiness via the Oraculi Borrower Scoring endpoint.
Modifying or creating a Decision Model:
Use the Lendsqr admin console to modify or create a decision model.
Refer to Modifying a Decision Module for reference on how to modify a decision model.
Include a Scoring Module:
To enable user scoring, add a scoring module to the decision model settings by including the following JSON configuration:
"scoring": {
"required": true,
"sequence": 4,
"continue_on_failure": false
Obtaining the decision model id from decision model settings
User data to be scored is available.
Ensure the user's data and the amount they are being scored against are included in the request document. User data necessary for attaining accuracy in scoring a user can be seen on the table below:
Scoring On a user on Oraculi Borrower Scoring
- Obtain the Decision Model ID for the scoring model and use it as a path parameter in the Oraculi Borrower Scoring endpoint.
Obtaining the decision model id from decision model settings.
2. Create an app on the Adjutor web applications, ticking all the validation scopes and retrieve your API.
Make a POST request with the user's details in the request body. Refer to the Adjutor API references for The Oraculi Browser Scoring endpoint.
How to create a scoring model and retrieve its decision model Id
Read more about how you can retrieve your API key >>
Creating an App on Adjutor and Retrieving API Keys
Read more about Decision Modules>>