If your customers encounter difficulties in viewing previously created mandates during their loan application, it might be due to a few reasons. A common issue is that the previous mandate amount is lower than the total required for the current loan application (principal + interest + fees). Here’s how to understand and resolve this issue:

Possible Reasons for Mandate Visibility Issues:

  1. Insufficient Mandate Amount:

    • The previous mandate may not cover the new loan's total requirements, causing it not to be displayed during the application process.
  2. Lendsqr DD Mandates:

    • Mandates created manually through the admin console might not appear in your web or mobile app for the user as they are not tied directly to the user's account. These can only be viewed on the admin console. Follow the guide on how to view these mandates.

Steps to Resolve:

  1. Review the Mandate Details:

    • Use the admin console to locate a mandate and review the amount tied to the user's details. You can filter by the user's information to find specific mandates.
  2. Lendsqr DD Mandates:

    • If the mandate amount is less than the required loan amount, advise the user to select "Add account for new mandate" during their loan application to create a new mandate.

For further assistance, please contact our support team at support@lendsqr.com.