The account manager role grants limited access to a team member on the Lendsqr admin console. It specifically ensures that managers can only view and manage customers assigned to them. 

This ensures efficient management and security of the lender's operations.

Like other roles, an admin user with the appropriate team and role permission can assign a team member to the account manager. 

This can be done when inviting the team member or by editing the roles of an already existing team member. 

Assigning the account manager role during team member invite. 

1. Log in to your admin console

2. Click the setting icon at the top-right corner of the admin console

3. Click team members

4. Click the "Invite a member" button

5. Input the other required details and also select the "account manager" role under the select role field

6. Click "Invite team member"

The invited team member will get an email to accept the invite and will be assigned the account manager role. 

Assigning the account manager role to an existing team member

1. Follow the same steps to locate the team members page above

2. Find the team member on the list. Click the "more" icon and click "Manage user"

3. Click the "Role" input field and select "Account Manager"

4. Click the "Update" button to save

The role of the team member will be updated to the "Account Manager" role.

>> Assigning an account manager to a customer