
We understand the importance of ensuring the safety and security of your lending app platform. To combat fraudulent activities and protect both you and your borrowers, we have developed a security feature. This feature allows you to control outbound transactions such as transfers, airtime purchases, and bill payments on your app. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up these outbound transaction controls for your organization.

Setting this up for your organization

  • Log in to your admin account on the Lendsqr admin console.
  • Click the Settings icon at the top right corner of the admin console.
  •  Locate "System configurations" under the System settings section of the page

  • Click on the 'Transactional Security Settings' under the "System Configurations" page

Within the Transaction section, you will find the following checks

  • Check Karma: When set to true, this setting prevents users that have been reported on Karma from performing outbound transactions. This means only users who have not been reporting on Karma can perform outbound transactions.

  • Check Performing Loans: When set to true, this setting allows users with running or settled transactions to perform outbound transactions. This means only users who have running or settled loans will be able to make outbound transactions.

  • Check Non-performing Loans: When set to true, this setting prevents users with past-due loans from performing any outbound transactions. This means users with Non-performing loans (Due or past due loans) will not be able to make outbound transactions.

  • Check Selfie BVN: When set to true, this setting prevents users with unmatched BVN images from performing outbound transactions. This means users with failed BVN images will not be able to make outbound transactions.

  • Check Selfie ID: This check prevents users whose selfie image and Identification document image don't match from performing outbound transactions. This means users with failed selfie IDs will not be able to make outbound transactions.

  • Check Approved Documents: When set to true, this setting prevents users with unapproved documents from performing outbound transactions

To turn on a setting, click on the three dots button at the right-hand side of the specific setting and click on edit

Select the check box and click on Create

Kindly note that this setting is only available for admins with a super admin role on your admin console.

  • When the check box is selected  it means the setting is True
  • When the checkbox is not selected it means the settings in False

Alternatively, you can watch this video below to understand how to set up security conditions for transfers and other outbound transactions