This is to be used when the user repays the loan amount or part of the loan amount outside the app. That is not through the Lendsqr channels which include USSD, Card, and Transfers. An admin can use this feature to manually repay the loan amount paid outside of Lendsqr’s platform. 

This is also used when the user is successfully debited a certain amount for repaying a loan and this amount doesn’t reflect in the user’s wallet. The loan is to be repaid with the amount repaid and the schedule will update and show the outstanding balance or not if it is a total repayment. To manually repay a loan;

  1. Follow the steps highlighted in the section above to locate a loan.
  2. Click the three dots at the top right corner then Click on the “Trigger Manual Loan Repayment" button. A modal will be displayed to you.
  3. Enter the repayment details i.e. amount repaid, channel (External), the External reference and the comments to specify what happened exactly. Click on “Repay Loan” to repay the loan or part of the loan. 

       4.  Enter your 2FA key to authorize the repayment of loan.

Manually repaying a loan