An admin on the Lendsqr admin console with the right permission can create a savings product by doing the following:

1.    Navigate to the “Savings Products” tab under Product Managements

2.    On the savings products page, you will see a “create savings product“ button at the top-right corner of the page.

3.    Clicking this button will redirect you to a page with a form to create a new savings product.

4.    The form is divided into 3 sections.

  • Savings Product Details: This is where you will set the amount and tenor range for your product, interest rate etc.
  • Product Offerings: Here you get to create the specific product offerings that you want your users to see on the app. The offerings created here has to be within the bounds of the savings product that you have specified in the first part of the form.
  • Additional Details: This is where you choose if the loan product should be a fixed savings/investment or it should be a locked savings product.

5.    After filling the form, click on the “create“ button.

6.    Voila! You just created your first savings product.