Permissions are the rights and authorizations to perform certain actions or do certain activities that can be granted to an individual on a platform. On the Lendsqr admin console, we have defined permissions that are available and can be assigned to a particular role. 

These permissions are grouped into operational units and the operational units include;

Users: These permissions grant a team member the right to manage users on the admin console. For example, you can grant team members permission to activate users, delete users, blacklist users, etc.

Loans: These permissions authorize a team member to perform certain activities concerning loans. For example, you can permit team members to approve loans, decline loans, disburse loans, etc.

Loan Products: These permissions allow a team member to manage loan products on the admin console. For example, you can permit team members to edit loan products, create loan products, and activate loan products.

Audit: The permissions under this unit grant a team member the right to view and download audits. For example, you can grant team members permission to download and view audits.

Team and Roles: The permissions under this unit enable a team member to manage teams and roles. For example, you can permit team members to create team members, create roles, activate team members, etc.

Transactions: The permissions under this unit grant a team member the right to view and download transactions. For example, you can grant team members permission to download and view transactions.

Whitelist: The permissions under this unit grant a team member rights related to the whitelist. For example, you can permit team members to download whitelists, edit whitelists, and create whitelists.

Settlement: The permissions under this unit grant a team member the rights to view and download settlement. For example, you can grant team members permission to download and view settlements.

Guarantors: These permissions grant a team member rights to manage guarantors.

Dashboard: These permissions grant a team member rights related to the dashboard. For example, you can permit team members to view the dashboard.

Documents: These permissions grant a team member rights to manage documents. 

Savings: These permissions grant a team member rights to manage savings. For example, you can permit team members to create team members, create roles, activate team members, etc.

Savings Products: These permissions allow a team member to manage savings products on the admin console. For example, you can permit team members to create loan products, edit loan products, activate loan products, etc.

Decision Models: These permissions allow a team member to configure and manage decision models. 

Disbursements: These 2 permissions allow a team member to view and make disbursements.

Adjutor: These permissions allow a team member to manage the Adjutor API services for an organization including viewing Adjutor, generating keys, updating the Adjutor app, etc.

Services: This permission allows a team member to manage services.

Reports: This permission allows a team member to view reports on the admin console.

Settings: These permissions allow a user to manage the settings in a workspace.

Liquidation Requests: This permission allows a team member to manage liquidation requests including viewing, approving, declining, and deleting liquidation requests. 

Loan Invites: The loan invite permissions allow a team member to manage loan invites including viewing, creating, declining, deleting, etc. 

Referral Configuration: This permission allows a team member to manage referral settings, including creating, updating, and deleting referral settings. 

Notification Settings: The notifications settings, help a user create and update notifications. 

Domain Settings: The domain settings allow a team member to create a domain. 

Organization Documents: The organization document settings if granted, allow a team member to view the organization's document. 

Offer Letters: This permission allows a user to view offer letters

Roles and Permissions: This permission for roles and permissions permits a team member to manage roles and permissions including creating roles, viewing roles, creating permissions, updating permissions, and deleting permissions. 

Tier Management: The tier management permission allows a team member to view, create, update, and delete tiers. 

Web App Settings: This permission allows the team member to view the web app settings. 

Messaging: This permission allows a team member to view messaging.

Beneficiaries: This permission allows a team member to manage beneficiaries including viewing, creating, updating, and deleting beneficiaries. 

Distributed Products: The distributed product permissions help a team member view distributed products. 

Fees and Pricing: The fees and pricing permissions help a team member view, create, update, and delete fees. 

Mandates: The mandate permissions allow a team member to manage mandates including viewing, creating, activating, deactivating, adding mandate schedules, etc. 

Account: The account permission permits a team member to manage the organization account, create attributes, update attributes, and delete attributes.