Creating a model from scratch involves pulling the default system model which will contain all modules that currently exist on the system and the default values used. For modules that require external providers, you should contact a Lendsqr support staff for assistance as those require implementation of API keys and a review of pricing models. 

When creating a model ensure you save each segment before proceeding to the next segment.

Creating a model from scratch

To create a new model from scratch follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the “Decision Model” tab under the Product Management grouping.

  2. Click on the “Add a New Model” button.

3. Enter the Decision Settings Name and Decision Settings Description of the model and save before proceeding to adjust the variables in the various modules.

Once you have done this, you would have successfully created a new decision model from scratch.

Watch the video below to learn how to configure your decision models

  1.Configuring your decision model (Internal integrations)

   2. Configuring your decision model (External integrations)